There are many differences among the Card Catalogue and OPAC.
OPAC has more than search access points in the comparison to the card
catalogue. Almost every single aspect of the bibliographic record is accessible
by keyword searching; this facility helps users to find the data from the
library database. OPACs always provide Author, Title, Subject, Call Numbers,
ISBN, ISSN and Keywords, etc., access points. The use of Boolean operators OR,
AND, and NOT in the OPACs can be limited the search results. They can also
limit the search results by language, date of publication and type of document
but these types of facilities are not available in card catalogue. In short,
OPACs provide to users more searching and accessing facility in various formats
than the card catalogues. We can search the card catalogue only the premises of
library buildings or after personally visit to the library only while OPAC can
be search through a computer/campus wide intranet with the help of LAN.