There are many differences among the OPAC and Web-OPAC.
Web-OPAC is the latest tool of OPAC. Web OPAC is an OPAC, which is available on
the web and with the help of internet connection any person whether user or
staff can access it from anywhere in the world and in any time. According to
Washington University in St. Louis, “A Web OPAC interfaces, which uses the
World Wide Web protocol to act as an OPAC.” According to ODLIS, “An Online
Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) that uses a graphical user interface (GUI)
accessible via the World Wide Web, as opposed to a text based interface
accessible via telnet." Web OPAC is a self determining program intended
separately from the library system. It is automatic to assist users to search
the OPAC, during their personal search, for the ease of borrowing, in its place
of searching through the card catalogue. In addition users can also appeal for
the information with reference to borrowing, reservation, etc. connected to
their own library profile, as well as to make automatic reservations. Sometimes
Web-OPAC is called online Catalogue.