PG Course
Master of Library & Information
Science Paper-VII (New/Old)
Research Methodology: MLIS-VII
- What is 'Questionnaire'?
- What is hypothesis?- discus with example.
- What is normal distribution?
- What is population parameter?
- What is random sampling?
- What is a variable?
- Describe how you can manage your research activity with the help of Zotero?
- What types of data do you need to conduct a research study?
- Why literature review is necessary in research?
- Write a short note of descriptive statistics.
- Write a short note on Inferential statistics.
- Write different types of graph with which you can present your data. 30. Write the steps of a research work.
- Categorize data on the basis of scales of measurement.
- Define 'Research'.
- Differentiate between categorical and numerical data.
- Describe different types of qualitative research methods.
- Differentiate between dependent and independent variables.
- Differentiate between descriptive, inferential and explanatory study.
- Differentiate between fundamental and applied research.
- Differentiate between probability and non-probability sampling.
- Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative research method.
- Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative variables.
- Discuss 'Research Design'.
- Discuss diagrammatic presentation of frequency distribution.
- Discuss ethical and social aspects of research
- Name different types of data analysis software.
- Show your acquaintance with APA reference style.
- State the necessity of diagrammatic presentation of data.
- What are the purposes of measures of dispersion?