PG Course
Master of Library & Information Science Paper-VIIIE3/VIIE4 (New/Old)
Public Library System: MLIS-VIIIE3/VIIE4 (NEW/OLD)
What are the basic purposes of community information sources served by
the public libraries?
Enumerate various types of community information sources.
Illustrate the organizational structure of public library system.
What is the role of public library as centre of education and
What are the recommendations have made by different library committees
for the development of public library system in India?
How public libraries can be used as Multipurpose Community Telecentres?
Enumerate various national information networks developed in India?
What are the different types of public libraries are found in UK?
Why Internet become a threat to public libraries?
Define IFLA/UNESCO public library manifesto, 1994.
Point out important functions of a public library as cultural centre.
Which of the Presidency town laid the public libraries in the mid-19th
century? Why public libraries of mid-19th Century in India were not truly the
public library?
What is the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867?
How Public Library system derives its strength from the State Library
What are the objectives of Public Library System as enunciated by Dr. S.
According to the American Library Association, What are the basic
objectives of a Public Library?
How library occupies a significant place in academic institutions? How a
public library can function as a centre for adult education?
Point out the role of Public Libraries in distance learning.
What are the important objectives of RRRLF?
Point out some of the promotional activities of RRRLF for qualitative
improvement of library services?
Which public libraries in India specially focus on manuscripts and rare
What were the broad objectives of National Knowledge Commission (NKC)?
What are the four Model Public Library Bills exists in India?
What are the Union Model Library Acts?
Why Chattopadhyaya Committee was formed?
Point out the main aims of library and information policy of India?
Enumerate the growth of library legislation in India.
Mention how various states have imposed cess to generate fund for
development of public library system.