MLIS-08e3,Assignment Examination 2024 Suggestive Assignment examination Question-2024,Paper-08e3,Netaji Subhash Open University,Kolkata


MLIS-08e3,Assignment Examination 2024 Suggestive Assignment  examination Question-2024,Paper-08e3,Netaji Subhash Open University,Kolkata

PG Course





Public libraries often provide materials for

Public Library development is a

The first public library initiative was taken in which year?

Which year The Calcutta Public Library was establised?

Which Year The Press and Registration of Books Act was enacted?

Where the first Public Library System was developed in India?

What could be an essential step toward the "Learning Society"?

Which year Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) was established?

Under which Act Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) was established?

The supreme policy making body of RRRLF consists of how many members?

In which year the National Knowledge Commission (NKC) was established?

The National Knowledge Commission consists of how many members?

To draft a National Policy on Library and Information System in 1985 which committee was appointed?

In which year The National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT) was established?

Where 12th IASLIC Conference was held in 1979?

All the States where the library legislation exists, collect Cess on property tax to finance for libraries execpt which state?

Who was the President of 51st IFLA Conference?

The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto is prepared in cooperation with which International organization?

"Books for the Millions at Their Doorsteps" is the slogan of which organization?

Information kiosks are mini information centres have become very popular with village communities in which states in India?

In which year the Delivery of Books Act was enacted?

In which year the Govt. of India opened Delhi Public Library?

In which year West Bengal Public Library Act was introduced?

In which year the Delivery of Books and Newspaper (Public Libraries) Act was enacted?

The Publc Libraries are first used as Multipurpose Community Telecentres in which country?

In India where a pilot project was taken first to introduce MCT at Public Libraries?

Who was developed INDONET?

In India National Informatics Centre is an-

DELNET is a what type of network?

Who among the following started establishing Parochial Libraries?

The first Public Library appeared in in the year in the name of

What was the date of establishment of Calcutta Public Library?

India celebrated Silver Jubliee of Independence in 1972. The year 1972 is a remarkable year in the history of Library movement in India as the was established by the Government of India, in memory of the great social reformer who stressed the need for modern education for the progress of the nation.

Depository libraries of the printed cultural heritage of India under Delivery of Books and Newspaper (Public Libraries) Act are:

The 21st century has been acknowledged worldwide as the 'Knowledge Century'. Every nation now finds itself operating in an increasingly Competitive and globalised international environment where information infrastructure, research and innovation systems, education and lifelong learning and regulatory framework are crucial variables. To ensure that our country becomes a leader in the creation, application and dissemination of knowledge for which Governement of India was established to

objective.and given timeframe of three years from to achive its

The Government of India, Ministry of Education appointed an Advisory Committee for Libraries in the year 1957 under the Chairmanship of

Which state / Union Territories have passed the Public Libraries Act in the year 2009 in India?

The Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act was passed in the year Government of India. 

Name the public library service that assist individuals and groups with daily problem solving and with participation in the democratic process and the service concentrate on the needs of those who do not have ready access to other sources of assistance and on the most important problems that people have to face, problmes to do with their homes, their jobs and their rights.

Find out the option form the following which is not come under the key mission of public library as mentioned on the IFLA / UNESCO Public Library Manifesto, 1994

The Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation has been offering financial assistance through its various programmes to promote and support public library movement in the country. Its slogan is " ". The programmes of the foundation are the best example of resource sharing between the central state governments for the development of public library services at all levels.

The Public libraries need to be modernised in order to make them the effective centres for accessing electronic information through library networks. Library networks are to be recognised as centres of resource-sharing and agencies for digitation of documents for providing "_

of information refers to the presentation of information in more understandable, readable, acceptable and usuable forms. Information is to satisfy the users' needs of an information society.

is concerned with providing customer satisfaction. It starts with the customer and ends with the customer. sometimes considered to be a planned selling efforts.

The libraries are getting transformed. The catalogues are becoming available on the Internet and anyone can access them form any part of the world. Some of the collections are becoming available in full text. The library collections are becoming accessible to the users who do not actually come the libraries but can access the resources form a long distance. This is

Which department of the Government of India deals with Public Libraries?

'Skill Development Programme' (SDP) for public libraries is the activity of

Arrange the following Public Library Acts accroding to the year of their enactment:

i) Arunachal Pradesh

ii) Bihar

iii) Lakshadweep

iv) Rajasthan

Arrange the following libraries according to their year origin:

i) Asiatic Society Library, Bombay

ii) Connemare Public Library, Madras

iii) Delhi Public Library, Delhi

iv) National Library of India, Calcutta

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the then Union Education Minister of the Government of India formally declared one of the following libraries open to the public on 1st February, 1953. Identify the library :

The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto was last revised in

Karnataka Public Libraries Act was enacted in the year

The National Knowledge Commission (NKC) of India was established on 13th June, 2005 under the chairmanship of:

The Press and Registration of Books Act was enacted in the year Government of India over publication in the country.

The Act was enacted before independence and ensures central of the

The main objective of Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation is to promote

Arrange in sequence the following state Public Library Acts according to the year of their enactment

i) West Bengal

ii) Orissa

iii) Arunachal Pradesh

iv) Karnataka

Identify the correct chronological order in which the following were established:

Which of the following states don't have library legislation ?

Give in sequences, the following in order of their origin:

i) National Library

ii) Calcutta Public Library

iii) Imprial Library Act

iv) Imperial Library

Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) was established by:












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