MLIS-08e1,Assignment Examination 2024 Suggestive Assignment  examination Question-2024,Paper-08e1,Netaji Subhash Open University,Kolkata

PG Course





  • Clay tablets for writing were used by
  • Cuneiform style was associated with writing on
  • Writing on papyrus was invented in
  • What is 'The Book of the Dead'?
  • Birch barks and Palm leaves were used as writing materials in
  • The quality and longevity of paper depends on the
  • The kind of paper, which is very rough and puffy and used for picking up dirt is called
  • Which of the following material is the most widely used ingredient?
  • The durability of a paper is measured by its
  • PVA (glue) stands for
  • Which of the following agents causes deterioration of library materials?
  • What temperature and relative humidity of the library stack room provide ideal condition for library materials?
  • What is foxing?
  • Notable chemical agents causing damage to library materials are
  • The agents causing decomposition of cellulose in paper are
  • What is not the common insect pest in libraries?
  • Which of the following book pest is known as book worm?
  • Physical condition of the books should be properly maintained. The set of precautionary measures, adopted in advance to maintain good physical conditions of library materials is known as
  • Which of the following biological pests in library cannot be controlled by chemical spray?
  • Gaseous treatment in form of fumes of selected chemicals in airtight chambers is known as
  • Fumigation is a
  • Which of the following is used as a fumigating agent to repair damaged books?
  • Stains on books caused by paste or glue can be removed by cleaning the page with
  • Which of the following materials may not be used as an ingredient for lamination?
  • The most effective but costlier fumigation process is
  • The deacidification treatment of paper document can be done by
  • Repair and restoration of paper documents involves the following steps sequentially
  • Digital preservation addresses the issue of
  • Storage media that is considered more reliable for preservation is
  • Technological obsolescence refers to
  • A distinguishing feature of modern culture of non-primitive civilisation is its dependence on the written word as the principle device through which, (1) the knowledge over time is recorded for the future, (2) the state of contemporary knowledge and idea is communicated, and (3) the knowledge of the past becomes available to contemporary man has been expressed by in connection with the role of libraries.
  • In common parlance 'Preservation' concerns with the original condition.
  • aspect and 'conservation' with the
  • treatment, and restoration of the
  • Preservation of a document in a library, we think of the three components which constitute it : (a) (c) The thought content
  • (b) The impression of the physical entity
  • The stone of Egypt, which is more than 5000 years old, is one example of early writing material.
  • Name the earliest Egyptian book on Papyrus which has been preserved in the British Museum.
  • The finest vellum known as
  • vellum was made from the small skins of calves which were unborn or died at birth.
  • The paper - making machinery was invented by in the year in France.
  • Kraft paper is
  • Paper quality declines owing mainly to increased use of sizing and mechanical which raises intrinsic acidity levels.
  • Magnetic media are composed of three principle layers:
  • The moisture content of the air and the temperature in library storage facilities are important. If they are too high, they speed up the rate at which chemical reaction takes place and the rate of deterioration is there by increased. One example is the deteriorative action of acid hydrolysis on paper. This process is both and dependent.
  • Room temperature of and relative humidity of provide the ideal condition for the preservation of paper documents.
  • Foxing in fact is a common phenomenon on paper in the forms of iron impurities present in the paper. Foxing stains are the result of chemical action between the
  • Name the contributor of deacidification technique of paper as an effective process for preservation and conservation of library materials.
  • The agents which cause deterioration in the library materials may be broadly classified as :
  • Name four common fungi known as microbiological agents which growth in paper is influenced by such environmental factors as humidity, temperature, light and nutrients :
  • is the comprehensive measures for good housekeeping. The causes of deterioration of library materials are heat, light, darkness, moisture, acid reaction, dust, harmful chemicals, atmosphere pollution and so on. These cause of deterioration can be controlled to a greater extent by the
  • Physical condition of the books should be properly maintained. This is known as
  • Rodents can be controlled by
  • from the damaging and destructive condition of library materials.
  • They must be destroyed by There is no effective chemical spray or powder for book-worm larvae because of their fumigation tank, fumigation chamber, or a sealed area, with hydrogen cyanide, methyl bromide, carbon disulphide or other lethal gases.
  • in a Vacuum pH value (Potential of Hydrogen) is the numerical expression used by chemists to describe Hydrogen concentration. A measurement of numerical expression that tells if paper is acidic or alkaline. Material below is acidic; above it is alkaline.
  • Deacidification is a process that neutralizes the acidic components in paper and usually provides an alkaline buffer to counteract acidic buildup in the future. It is the treatment to the paper or other library materials in order to improve durability.Sizing imparts the necessary strength for safe handling. Sizing is the final step in the process of strengthening. and is carried out on documents which require
  • Sizing imparts the necessary strength for safe handling. Sizing is the final step in the process of strengthening but not restoration. and is carried out on documents which require
  • Before starting the job of repair and restoration the restorer must examine some points to identify the nature and extent of damage of the document. Find out from the following which is not come under this process:
  • Paste or adhesive and glue are used for repairing Library documents. Paste differs from glue in different aspects. Identify the correct difference of Paste from glue from the followings:
  • One major problem with digital preservation efforts of library materials is that they lend to be There are three different aspects of digital preservation. Identify one of that aspect from the followings:
  • Book binding is the process of physically a book from a number of separate sheets of paper or other material.
  • What do you mean by the term 'signature' in connection with printing of document