PG Course
2nd Paper
- The Ministry of Defence does not consist which of the following departments?
- The National Science Library is a division of
- The apex body in India for the formulation, coordination, and promotion of biomedical research is
- IFLA stands for
- At present, who is managing updates of UDC?
- The information requirements of users may be categorised into
- Technological gatekeeper is:
- Citation indexing was invented by
- INFLIBNET was established in the year
- Patent Information System of Government of India works under
- The Headquarters of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is located at
- Invisible college is an example for
- National Informatics Centre (NIC) works under
- Write short note on Vellum
- Write short note onDVD
- what is Pamphlet
- What are computer generated micro forms
- Write short note on CDROM
- Various collections of Natioanal Library Kolkata
- Publications of sahitya acdemy and Lalit kala academy
- Write short note onLalit Kala Academy.
- Write short note on some Humanities institutes in India.
- Write short note on ICSSR
- Write short note on "Indian literature",a journal published by Sahitya Akademy.
- Write short note on Indian Council of Historical Research(ICHR).
- Organization of ICSSR
- Write short note on The Election Commission of India
- Write short note on some educational institutions in India.
- Write short note onSummerhill
- what is DEVINDEX.
- Write a short note on SNDT women's university
- Write a short note on Bhabha Atomic Research centre(BARC).
- What is current abstracts.
- Write the names of Natioanl Information Centres of NISSAT.
- What is The Wealth of India published by NISCAIR.
- The art of printing started in
- Mechanical movable type was invented in 1440 by
- CD-ROM uses
- 'Kalanidhi' is the Reference Library of
- Thanjavur Maharaja Serfoji's Sarawswathi Mahal Library is famous for its rich collection of
- Khuda Baksh Oriental Public Library is situated in
- Who publishes the bimonthly journal "Indian Literature"?
- ICHR publishes
- The National Archives of India was previously known as
- National Social Science Documentation Centre is a division of
- Which of the following is not an objective or activity of National Council of Educational Research and Training?
- Institute for Studies in Industrial Development is affiliated to
- The Indian Institute of Advanced Studies is situated at
- Which of the following acts as a national input centre for AGRIS database?
- Which of the following acts as an apex body for co-ordinating, guiding and managing research and education in agriculture including horticulture, fisheries and animal sciences in the entire country?
- In India, Who acts as the Nodal agency for communicating with IAEA?
- Which of the following journals is not published by DESIDOC?